Progress on the new second Tamworth enterprise centre

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We’re so excited to show you progress of our work to develop a new second Tamworth enterprise centre in the original 19th Century former Co-op building on Colehill. 

The video shows lots of wonderful original features which are now being restored. Including some rather fabulous original metal safes! 

All this work is part of ambitions regeneration plans to transform the town centre into a vibrant, thriving place that meets the needs of residents, visitors and local businesses. 

The £21million regeneration project will see: 

  • A new Enterprise Centre in the original 19th Century former Co-operative building on Colehill, an addition to the existing enterprise centre at Corporation Street.
  • Restored and refurbished historic vacant properties on Market Street (opposite Peel Café) with a wider footbridge into the castle grounds. 
  • Redeveloped building replicating the original Georgian style of the former Peel Café, bringing a building back into active use. This is now in the hands of Nationwide Building Society who are finalising the internal fittings before opening. 
  • Middle Entry renovations which will see some vacant units demolished to be replaced by a new flexible, multi-use building for independent small businesses. 

Public realm works that will link all the projects together. 

Project funded from the government’s Future High Street Fund. 

Watch the video here⬇️