Step back in time and follow Tamworth’s new reality trail around the town centre

A new Augmented Reality Trail that showcases Tamworth’s rich history, is preparing to ‘go live’ in Tamworth town centre as part of new funding being spent on encouraging people back to the high street to support the pandemic recovery.
The AR trail has been developed throughout Tamworth town centre, which will bring the town’s heritage to life using augmented reality technology. This new experience follows the successful AR trail launched in Tamworth Castle earlier this year.
Tamworth Borough Council commissioned The Peel Entertainment Group to create the trail, bringing Tamworth’s immense history to life in the palm of your hand.
People are invited to spend a couple of hours in the fresh air to experience the excitement of the latest technology and journey ‘back to the future’ and discover the 16 AR locations on the trail.
As you explore the streets using the app, you will find yourself coming face to face with some of the town’s best loved historical characters, discovering the resilience of its community and how Tamworth has continued to thrive through many times of adversity.
Tamworth Borough Council was awarded £67,455 from the European Regional Development Fund’s Welcome Back Fund to help support the wider reopening of the town centre through a variety of activities.
This round of funding had to meet a number of criteria and activities must focus on encouraging people back to town centres to help support the local business and visitor economy.
Local councillors have been invited to test the app a week before its official launch to the public on December 13.
To get started once the trail has gone ‘live’, people are invited to download the FREE App and follow the directions. (Please note some older mobile phones may not be compatible to download the App).Or follow the link to the app here: .
As well as the development of the augmented reality trail, the Welcome Back Fund will also be used to carry out some improvements to the town centre, including additional deep cleans, painting and new bins.
Money is also being invested in promotional campaigns to support the town’s business community and for a special event celebrating our town centre offer. This will include a Food and Drink Trail, improvements to the Visit Tamworth website and new promotional videos. Business are invited to join us to develop these plans and will be able to sign up here:
The Welcome Back Fund is an extension of the Reopening High Streets Safely Fund which supported a number of activities in the town last year, including the appointment of the ‘Shop Safe’ team to help businesses adapt to the pandemic and its restrictions.
Cllr Daniel Cook, Tamworth Borough Council’s Cabinet member for Economy and Waste, said: “We’re delighted to have been awarded this money from the Welcome Back Fund and to be launching this AR Trail from December 13.
“The trail will be available to download via a phone app for free and we hope it will help encourage people back to town and explore some key locations of historical interest.
“The AR trail is just one of the developments we are implementing to draw people back, safely, to support the high street. Times were already tough on the high street and our businesses have faced incredible challenges and will need all our support going forward.
“We are working with businesses and partners in the coming weeks and months on the timing of activities so they can have maximum impact.”
Notes to Editors
This project is receiving up to £67,455 of funding from the England European Regional Development Fund as part of the European Structural and Investment Funds Growth Programme 2014-2020. The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (and in London the intermediate body Greater London Authority) is the Managing Authority for European Regional Development Fund. Established by the European Union, the European Regional Development Fund helps local areas stimulate their economic development by investing in projects which will support innovation, businesses, create jobs and local community regenerations. For more information visit